Friday, June 22, 2012

This Is Where I Live

Really, I just wanted an excuse to share this photo (see below).

I didn't take it, but it's awesome. And kind of encompasses why I love living here in "a picture's worth a thousand words"-type way.

Because I DO still love living here and haven't regretted leaving the US for a second. In just over a month I'll be moving out of my dorm room, away from a campus, to a real, normal house with my own room. Less than a year since I came to London originally and already I'm packing up all over again. But as much of a hassle as moving typically is, I don't mind it. Not only do I not own much - just clothes, really, no furniture to my name over here - but packing up and going somewhere else always means fun adventures lie ahead! Which sounds completely corny and cheesy but that doesn't mean it's not true! I'll have a whole new part of London to explore and loads of new people to meet and an entirely different lifestyle, one other than 'broke student'.

I've become so accustomed to moving around after packing up and going to new schools all over the place that change and relocation doesn't bother me at all. I'm really looking forward to it, actually. Just a month away!

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