Monday, September 5, 2011

All That Prep Work Finally Paid Off

SO, my dear readers, I’m back earlier than anticipated. What can I say? I live with a constant itch to write!

Now, at long last, it is a mere 8 days until my international relocation. I’ll leave Cleveland Hopkins >> Newark, NJ airport >> London Heathrow, arriving at a bright and early 7:30-ish AM the following day. Yep, I’ll be living life 5 Hours ahead of you guys…I’ll exist in the FUTURE!! ;-)
A lot of people, ok EVERYONE, asks me at least one of three questions in response to my “moving abroad desire”. They ask “Are you coming back?” or “Aren’t your parents going to mind?” or even “Aren’t you scared?” In response I answer in sequence: No, No, and emphatically No. But allow me to elaborate:

First, I am not planning on coming back. I didn’t buy a round trip ticket because I WANT to stay there. For those of you familiar with my bad habit of school-hopping, I can assure you I won’t be hopping back across the Atlantic if for no other reason than the cost. That doesn’t take into account the fact I’ve spent the last year and a half prepping for this, or that I’ve wanted to live in England since I was mindful enough to even HAVE ambitions, or that I’ve ALREADY lived in both Cambridge and London and loved every single moment of it and had not an ounce of homesickness. I already have friends in Europe and to me there’s no place more beautiful than England. Say what you will about the weather, but I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. If I’m not used to days of endless rain no one is.

Second, my parents do not mind. They have both been entirely supportive of each subsequent school transition.  By now (I think, at least) they have faith in my ability to survive on my own and make intelligent choices. I may be small but I’m tough, resilient and smarter than most people, if I’m allowed to boast. Besides, what better excuse exists for parents wanting to travel overseas than when a personal tour guide and free living quarters are at their disposal?

 Third, I am not at all scared, and how absurd that anyone should think so. I’ve been a student at eleven, yes ELEVEN, different schools during my “academic career”. Therefore, acclimating myself to a new life (and time zone!) bears no burden on my mind. And thankfully I’m entirely independent, perhaps too much so, thus the prospect of having to make new friends all over again is but an afterthought, something that just happens when it happens and all in due course.
What I AM worried about, however, is how I’m going to haul luggage that weighs more than I do!!!

Ok, time to sign off on this one, but be sure to add your email to the subscribers list so you know the SECOND something new gets put up here! Just type your email address in that little box in the upper right hand column. But only if you want to. No pressure. But you should. For real. Do it now.



1 comment:

  1. And how, pray tell, are you going to get a visa to stay in the UK???

    -American with Dual US-UK citizenship


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