Sunday, August 28, 2011


Greetings, followers! And welcome to, well, this site where I shall, henceforth, record all the wonderous things London has to offer. Here you can expect to find a weekly (hopefully) addition to my personal "diary", or "bragging book", whichever you prefer. Yes, I get to live in LONDON, people, and I'm not going to let y'all forget it!

Joking aside, I pledge to do my very best to allow you, my followers, to live vicariously through me. I will take you on tours through London, its Boroughs, and beyond.

With 16 days remaining until my departure from Cleveland Hopkins, Intl Airport, I thought it appropriate to introduce my project now. So bookmark me and be sure to check back after Sept 13th-ish. Once I've settled in I'll be back here, ready to show off my new room and my new school!

Ta Ta For Now



  1. You should read the novel Madame Bovary. You seem to have a lot in common with the main female protagonist...

  2. I have, actually! I love to read and I take it as a great compliment to be compared to self-willed characters who try to break from the norm, so thank you :)


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