King's, through the Chapel window |

As the title suggests, I FINALLY was able to revisit Cambridge! It's been nearly three years since June of 2009 when I landed in London, geared up and ready to undertake a full summer of studying abroad at THE university I'd dreamed of - and then planned on - attending as a student since, well, forever! As cliché as it sounds, that summer was life-changing. Yes, yes, most people return from a studying or working abroad experience saying the exact same thing, that it was the best time of their life and that it changed them forever, for the better. For me, it was all of that, times ten to the billionth power. Yes, exactly that number. I fell so deeply in love with England that I knew I had to go back; I had to live there, like, for good. For forever and ever and ever. England was the one place I finally felt truly happy and comfortable and at home. And now here I am again. I made it happen. I’m back. For good.
To revisit the place it all began was a heartwarming experience. *releases a sigh of fondness for nostalgia's sake* I'd been looking for the right opportunity to get away from London to travel back up to Cambridge since my re-arrival in the UK last September, but it wasn't until now that I was actually invited back. While I would have gone on my own I was much more interested in going with someone, ideally someone who would love and appreciate it as much as I do. A fellow Cambridge-ite, a current master's student I’m quite close friends with, suggested I come up for the weekend. I took the bait, the offer, and booked a room at Trinity College and a round trip train ticket from King's Cross, and set out bright and early one Saturday morning on my North-bound journey.
Our first Formal at King's, June 2009 |
Same girls, our Last Formal at King's, August 2009 |
By 7:45 that day I was on my way. The 45 minute jaunt was nothing and breezed by in a matter of minutes, seemingly, because all of a sudden the train was cruising gently past the Cambridge University Press and docking at the station. My first taxi ride in months was through those old, familiar, homey streets of cozy, peaceful Cambridge and down the Backs, where I met up with my buddy who was staying adjacent to me at Clare College (which is right next door to King's College, the one and only, for those of you familiar with the territory and the school).
Trinity College, where I stayed |
It felt like I'd never left. Though that's likely due to the fact that the University hasn't substantially changed in centuries. But still. Just as I remembered. Oh, nostalgia.
My room's view, towards King's College in the background. |
My room in Trinity. I love the high ceilings. Yes, I notice these things. |
The view out my window toward Clare College. |
Trinity Dining Hall |
The first thing I begged to do, after dumping my luggage, was return to Benet's, my favorite cafe/coffee stop overlooking the King's gateway. Not only does Benet's offer the most magnificent view in the city, in my opinion, but it definitely serves some of the best coffee, as well. I know; I've looked. Awake and caffeinated, we then set off down Trumpington Street toward the Fitzwilliam Museum and, of course, my old townhouse facing it. Unfortunately, I was an idiot and had my photo taken in front of the wrong door. In my defense, they all look exactly the same. Well, minus the numbers meant to differentiate each house. But, c'mon, gimme a break! It's been 3 years! Interestingly, that photo managed to get deleted off my computer. I swear. Otherwise I'd show you :)

So we went to the Fitwilliam Museum next because, as y'all know, I can't get enough art in a day. We spent a lot of time wandering the old, familiar cobbled streets, walking through the campuses and the cathedrals, taking photos (all the ones in this post are mine), and, for me, reminiscing about “old times” like any old fart would.
King's College Chapel |
Having already lived in Cambridge once, revisiting for just two days was enough. I just wanted enough time to say 'hey' to everything that made me fall in love with England in the first place.
CU Botanical Gardens |
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