Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Holstee Manifesto

That’s like a general theme in London, isn’t it; not enough space. We’re all living on top of one another. We can build up, dig down and spread outwards and still there’s not enough space. I guess that’s partly why it’s been such a damn challenge for me to find a permanent way to stay here. Border Control is just trying to push everyone out and also keep out the ones trying to come in. Even in this increasingly borderless, international world they’re locking their gates up even tighter. But by this time next month I’ll have my final verdict; I’ll know whether I’ve gotten the funding and approval to stay and do my PhD. Despite the fact people may read this and think doing that degree is just a way to slide past British BC, it’s not. That’s false and it pisses me off that people think that and leave comments saying as much. If that’s that you think you don’t know me one iota. I’m so completely dedicated to my field and anyone who DOES know me knows what a an absolute nutcase I am for fitness and health and running and nutrition. It’s one thing to dedicate your education and work experience to something – we all have to get by in this world somehow – but to dedicate your free time and all your energy to that same purpose as well shows some real focus and love for whatever that pursuit is. In my case, it all started with running and exploded from there. Hell, those motivational speakers notoriously tell us to “following your heart and do what you love” and for me it just so happened that what I love most has some real-world value. Exercise, it turns out, is a flipping great medicine therefore has some seriously positive implications for public health policy and change. I’ve dedicated the last 10 years of my life to fitness and running, like I said, and coming from someone who’s only 25, that’s nearly half of my lifespan. That’s a lot. What have you done nonstop for half of your life? So yeah, continuing my education in a field I love and feel so strongly about only makes sense. If it just so happens I can do it here in London, the one city I’ve really fallen in love with, well, all the better for me. 

I’m here to make me happy; not you and not anyone else. I love to explore and I love that this journey has let me meet so many new people. If I can make a difference along the way just by breathing passion into every day, what more can I ask for?

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” - Henry David Thoreau

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