Sunday, August 28, 2011


Greetings, followers! And welcome to, well, this site where I shall, henceforth, record all the wonderous things London has to offer. Here you can expect to find a weekly (hopefully) addition to my personal "diary", or "bragging book", whichever you prefer. Yes, I get to live in LONDON, people, and I'm not going to let y'all forget it!

Joking aside, I pledge to do my very best to allow you, my followers, to live vicariously through me. I will take you on tours through London, its Boroughs, and beyond.

With 16 days remaining until my departure from Cleveland Hopkins, Intl Airport, I thought it appropriate to introduce my project now. So bookmark me and be sure to check back after Sept 13th-ish. Once I've settled in I'll be back here, ready to show off my new room and my new school!

Ta Ta For Now